Word-of-Mouth Marketing for Digital Labs.

If word-of-mouth has been your key to success, then digital word-of-mouth will be your next big win—and Gro3X is here to help you maximize it. Think of digital word-of-mouth as the modern version of personal recommendations, but now they can reach your entire target audience. It's a powerful way for your customers to share their experiences with your lab online through authentic, honest feedback.

We complement your existing strategy by creating a strong pipeline of digital word-of-mouth that aligns perfectly with your brand. This is particularly effective for attracting digital-savvy offices and helping your lab grow through the right clients.

Trust & Credibility

People trust recommendations from those they know, and from impartial sources, more than commercial advertisements


The ability for word-of-mouth to reach a wide audience, especially with the help of digital platforms, allowing one person's opinion to influence many others.

Organic Spread

Word-of-mouth occurs naturally when satisfied customers share their authentic and honest experiences with others.

Influence on Decision Making

Word-of-mouth strongly impacts consumer behavior and decision-making, often being the deciding factor for purchases or brand loyalty.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

We are happy to analyze your strategy and explain how we can help you spread your Word-of-Mouth and grow your lab.

Mobile App

Manage conversations and reviews on the go with our Gro3X mobile app!

Grow Your Lab By Growing Your Word-of-Mouth.

More Reviews, More Traffic, More Conversions, More Dentist Accounts.

10955 Winds Crossing Drive, Unit #300, Charlotte NC 28273

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